
Celestia began as a song demo from, believe it or not, November of 2021; all the way back when I was using iOS GarageBand. Shortly after the new year rolled around, I began sketching out an album idea, one that ultimately never came to fruition, but had that song as the opener. I actually ended up fleshing out the demo a lot, and while it still had mixing problems I couldn’t really fix with GarageBand, it was pretty close to complete. Maybe I should get around to finishing it one day…

Anyways, while that song ended up on hold, I was still really fascinated with the concept of a lonely dream nightclub, and started a playlist of songs that might play there. I had one that was filled with every song that I thought would fit, but I knew I wanted to make a version that was under 1hr 20min so I could burn it to a CD. That version ended up having a bit of a narrative arc to it with the order of the tracklist.

I still have ideas for the Celestia concept, so I may do something with it in the future…

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